I dream of the realization of the unity of Africa, whereby its leaders combine in their efforts to solve the problems of this continent. I dream of our vast deserts, of our forests, of all our great wildernesses.
Nelson Mandela
The love for Africa runs in my blood... It's in the quickening of my pulse as I spot a Gemsbok in the Desert on Google Earth, the sharp intake of breath as I turn into a Jacaranda lined avenue in Pretoria in all it's purple glory, the smell of the Bushveld in the morning or the Cape Fynbos...
I'm often asked where I'm from and I proudly say 'South Africa' and I see the surprise in the Curious eyes: "But you speak English so well!"
I should, it's my first language
"But you don't look Black"
That's because I'm not...but it doesn't mean that I'm not an African.
A commentator on
Other Things Amanzi's blog hoped that "freedom will come to Africa's nations"
Freedom for which nations I ask?... For the Poor and downtrodden, from the Government that they themselves Democratically elected to rule, but who later turned out to be Despots.
Or freedom for those who were never the Oppressors, but who are now not allowed to call themselves African simply because they're not Black.
And I find myself trying to redefine myself over and over again, because I refuse to be categorized by my skin. Because
I was Poor and Downtrodden, but by my sheer determination have risen above it to be who I am today.
But in Africa, the continent I love, I am put in a box that is labeled "NOT Black", and therefore unworthy of promotion, unworthy of being called comrade, unworthy of being called African.
We came to Australia because we tired of being constantly classified and discriminated against because of the colour of our skin, but found that here,
we have to classify every patient we see based on the colour of their skin. (It's not that easy to do here - I've met plenty of Blonde, Blue Eyed, proudly Aboriginal Australians).
Here, it's refreshingly not a racist issue, it's simply a way to ensure that funds are allocated where they are needed - to the poor, downtrodden and under served!
So we will continue to love Africa, and proudly sing Nkosi Sikelel iAfrika every time the Springboks play.
God Bless Africa, may Her Glory be lifted high!